Twist is the code used to make the Twist Art. (2003):
(DIR) twist has 11 files, 0 subdirs and 4 randoms (COD) 25 twist/ makes animation (COD) 1 twist/ (COD) 2 twist/ (COD) 1 twist/ (COD) 1 twist/ (COD) 1 twist/ (COD) 2 twist/ (COD) 2 twist/ - determines angle between two planar rotation matrices (COD) 16 twist/ (COD) 18 twist/ makes final good one (COD) 18 twist/
Seasons Animation C code
Seasons code: (COD) 17 trivo/daylily.cpp (COD) 16 trivo/forsythia.cpp (COD) 0 trivo/image.h (COD) 2 trivo/spiral.c (COD) 1 trivo/texture.c (COD) 3 trivo/writejpg.c (COD) 21 trivo/yinyang.c (COD) 21 trivo/maple.c (COD) 21 trivo/make2003 - recipe for making animati(COD) 21 trivo/Makefile (DIR) trivo has 7 files, 0 subdirs and 1 randoms
Geodesic had two functions: one would texture the inside of a sphere for a OpenGL version of QuickTime VR. The other produced a geodesic dome the way my father made one. geodesic.tar.gz
PEXDraw - example code for my PEX book (1993). (COD) 27 pexdraw/fb.c (COD) 13 pexdraw/init.c (COD) 46 pexdraw/pex.h (COD) 66 pexdraw/pexdraw.c (COD) 12 pexdraw/pexdraw.h (COD) 49 pexdraw/pexutcma.h (COD) 30 pexdraw/pexutdb.h (COD) 7 pexdraw/pexutext.h (COD) 12 pexdraw/plcube.c (COD) 13 pexdraw/plogo.c (COD) 20 pexdraw/rdr.c (TXT) 6 pexdraw/readme.txt (COD) 4 pexdraw/rgbc.c (COD) 3 pexdraw/sofas.c (COD) 119 pexdraw/teapot.c (COD) 43 pexdraw/ui.c (COD) 11 pexdraw/ui_x.c (COD) 15 pexdraw/wks.c (DIR) pexdraw has 18 files, 0 subdirs and 2 randoms Useful things in python. (DIR) python has 20 files, 0 subdirs and 1 randoms (COD) 3 python/ (COD) 4 python/ (COD) 1 python/ (COD) 0 python/ (COD) 3 python/ (COD) 6 python/ (COD) 2 python/ (COD) 3 python/ makes an animation (COD) 3 python/ (COD) 2 python/ (COD) 3 python/ (TXT) 1 python/mssg.txt (COD) 2 python/ (COD) 0 python/ (COD) 0 python/ dumps out the tags of an MP3 file Note on building PIL for Mac OSX (2009.10.25): download and build jpeg-6b (jpegsrc.v6b.tar) download Imaging-1-1.1.6.tar edit and add: JPEG_ROOT = "../jpeg-6b" continue building. (now why PIL needs its own JPEG library??? Who is charge here??) Need to change the resolution of a JPEG file? chres.c 2012.07.29 python script for group play possible outcomes. Trying to figure out the group play for the women's olympic futball. I think this is a gilded lily at this point. In a group of 4 with each team playing each other to a win lose or draw. 729 scenarios. 40 different possible standings. Only once scenario is unique - all ties 3-3-3-3. run at - at Fri, 20 Jul 2012 03:36:01 +0000 1 ['3-3-3-3'] 4 ['9-2-2-2', '5-5-5-0'] these standing results can happen 4 ways 6 ['7-7-1-1', '4-4-4-4'] these standing results can happen 6 ways 8 ['9-3-3-3', '6-6-6-0', '4-4-4-3'] 12 ['9-6-1-1', '9-4-4-0', '7-7-3-0', '7-3-2-2', '6-5-2-2', '5-5-3-2', '5-5-3-1', '5-5-2-2', '5-3-3-2'] 24 ['9-6-3-0', '9-4-3-1', '9-4-2-1', '7-6-4-0', '7-6-3-1', '7-6-2-1', '7-5-4-0', '7-5-3-1', '7-5-2-1', '7-4-3-3', '7-4-3-2', '7-4-3-1', '7-4-2-2', '6-6-4-1', '6-6-3-3', '6-5-4-1', '6-4-4-2', '5-5-4-1', '5-4-4-3', '5-4-4-2', '5-4-3-2'] 36 ['7-4-4-1', '6-4-4-3'] scenarios: 729 len(s) = 40, len(ocs) 7, recount: 729web page December 2005. jch